Every Mother, Inc. is a Mississippi-based nonprofit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to devoted to equipping and empowering health care professionals and other groups with improving breastfeeding support for new families.



Inclusive lactation care for all new parents.


The mission of Every Mother is to help EVERY new parent reach their lactation goals through training, technical assistance, and breastfeeding promotion resources for breastfeeding educators, health care professionals, and new families. 




Our core values are centered on equity and justice, with a special focus on addressing the needs of vulnerable populations in resource-deprived communities. At Every Mother, we believe that every mother deserves access to information and support to reach their parenting goals. This means working collaboratively with other organizations, coalitions, and agencies to help parents make informed infant feeding decisions and to remove obstacles that stand in their way in an environment that values inclusion, equity, and diversity.


To fulfill our mission and values, Every Mother, Inc. engages in a wide variety of curriculum development and training opportunities. 




Curriculum and Material Development

⦁ Contracts with the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to develop breastfeeding training curricula for WIC staff and peer counselors. 

⦁ Contracts with the HHS Office on Women’s Health and Maternal and Child Health Bureau to develop training curricula for use in educating employers, breastfeeding educators, and new families about breastfeeding in the workplace.

⦁ Contracts with CHAMPS (Communities and Hospitals Advancing Maternity Practices) to develop competency-based curricula for hospitals on the Baby-Friendly® pathway.

⦁ Consultation with Coffective.com to develop training curricula and materials for hospitals on the Baby-Friendly® pathway and for community groups to prepare mothers for their hospital experience.

⦁ Contracts with State agencies developing resources to improve support for breastfeeding families.


Training Initiatives

⦁ Training events and workshops for WIC State and local agencies, HHS Healthy Start agencies, and other Federal programs.

⦁ Conference sessions about breastfeeding and supporting new moms for State and local breastfeeding coalitions and breastfeeding organizations.

⦁ State level trainings and regional events around a state to engage staff and community partners.

⦁ Collaborative community-based training events to engage partners in improving support for new families.

⦁ Collaborative training initiatives with groups such as Coffective.com, CHAMPS, and Aspire Communications. 


Collective Impact 

Every Mother has joined varied national and local collective initiatives to explore solution-focused strategies and to offer insights from our experience and expertise in working with new families. Every Mother is a member of the

United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC)

⦁ USBC Workplace and Maternity Practices constellation workgroups

⦁ Mississippi Breastfeeding Coalition


Quilting has long been a labor of love stitched by dedicated seamstresses in an effort to cover their family members with warmth and beauty. The quilt motif used in the Every Mother, Inc. logo is a reminder that each individual piece is important, but when sewn together, they form a beautiful pattern. In the same way, when each member of the circle of care for new families provides accurate and consistent information and support, new families can feel the warmth of support that helps them reach their parenting goals. 

Quilt hand-stitch by Linda Inglis


Every Mother, Inc. complies with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and Subsequent WHA Resolutions. Trainers do not accept funds from or present at educational events sponsored or hosted by companies that manufacture infant formula, infant foods, or other products designed to replace breastfeeding, and do not participate in events sponsored by companies that violate the Code. Every Mother reserves the right to withdraw as a speaker from any event sponsored by companies that violate the Code. 



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